Certification of SVIT infrared camera completed 
The ONKOCET company has successfully reached the certification of yet another medical device,
Infrared Camera SVIT. The Certificate can be found
here. The videos from the device operation can be found
4.3.2011 11:38
Certification of Concor Soft Contact Lenses successfully finished. We are pleased to inform our business partners, that our company has succesfully finished the certification process of Concor Soft Contact Lenses.

You can find the certificate
More information on Concor Soft Contact Lenses go to section Medical preparations/Concor soft contact lenses, or follow
this link.
16.6.2010 11:51
Certification of PLASON device finished, CE issued. 
Dear partners,
In October 2009 we have received
CE certificate for another device from our portfolio, NO therapeutical device PLASON. You can find more information about this revolutionary device, used for healing of unhealing wounds, diabetic foot, or for cosmetical purposes, at our webpage, section "Medical devices" -> PLASON-NO Therapy.
Best regards
Team of ONKOCET Ltd. company
23.1.2009 15:30